Wake-up Time Calculator

What time would you like to wake up, or sleep to start your day?

What is Wake-up Time?

Wake-up time refers to the moment you transition from sleep to full wakefulness. The ideal time to wake up depends on your sleep cycles, which last 90-110 minutes. Waking up at the end of a cycle rather than mid-cycle, helps you feel more refreshed.

Best Wake-up Time

The best time to wake up is at 5, 6 or 7 a.m. and your sleep cycle should be completed by this time. However, it all depends on your lifestyle. The ideal wake-up time is after 6, 7 or 9 hours of sleep. It is best to wake up at the end of a cycle rather than during deep sleep, this improves your mood and keeps you fresh throughout the day.

The Four Stages of Sleep:

  • Stage 1 (N1) - This is the lightest sleep and you are just falling asleep. During this time you may feel like you are just relaxing. Your muscles start to relax, and your brain starts to slow down with alpha and theta waves.
  • Stage 2 (N2) - Your body begins to prepare for deep sleep and your heart rate slows, your body cools down. At the same time, your brain produces bursts of activity called sleep spindles, which help you store memories.
  • Stage 3 (N3) - During deep sleep, your body heals itself. It repairs tissues, strengthens your bones and muscles. Overall, it boosts your immune system.
  • REM Sleep - This is the time when you dream the most. Your eyes move rapidly beneath your eyelids, and your brain processes emotions, learns new things, and stores memories.

Sleep Cycle Stages

Image source: DeepAI

How to Sleep Better at Night Naturally?

To sleep better naturally, you must follow the below mentioned regular sleep schedule.

  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to help transition to sleep
  • Avoid screens and bright lights before bedtime
  • Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet
  • Limit caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime

Disclaimer: This is general information only. For personalized advice on sleep time based on your health, consult your doctor. We are not liable for any health issues arising from the use of this calculator.